Been Away for a Long While…National Educators for Restorative Practices and Autism…What?

and Autism…What?

I know it has been forever since I last wrote on this blog. For those who follow me and continue to do so, I appreciate it. I am going to start off by saying I have 2 passions in life. One is autism. I am fascinated and inspired with students on the spectrum. The second passion is Restorative Practices. I had the privilege of going to the Texas Educators for Restorative Practices conference (now called National Educators for Restorative Practices or NEDRP) . I caught the spark then and it has continued to fan into a huge flame. After that I was given the opportunity to become a Certified Specialist in Restorative Practices. This was where the rubber met the road. It opened my eyes to the possibility of combining my two passions. I now use Restorative Practices Yellow Themed Circles with my social groups for students with autism. I am amazed at the depth my students jump into during our group time. If you are interested in finding out more about Restorative Practices, check out: ; NEDRP’s YouTube Channel: or follow them on Twitter at @nedrpe2e. You won’t be sorry that you did!

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